The Fruit of Service is Peace.
Want to give the ultimate gift? Plan for the inevitable.
We know that the law and lawyers can sometimes be intimidating and overwhelming. We are dedicated to providing you help in a way that works for you, explaining the process and guiding you in making important decisions.
Don't wait! Contact us for a free phone consultation. We can help you get a plan in place that will give you peace of mind.
A graduate of Loyola Law School, Los Angeles, specializing in estate planning, trust administration, and probate, Lisa will listen carefully and guide you to the best solutions for your unique circumstances.
Estate planning is like a bridge over the difficult waters of incapacity and death. Let us help you decide who makes decisions for you before a crisis. Take the first step and fill out the estate planning worksheet and call for your complimentary consultation today.
Smoother sailing for those who have made a plan for the rough times. Let us help you with administration and probate for an easier transition after a death. If you are in need of help with a trust administration, fill out the trust administration worksheet and call for your complimentary consultation today.